The Student Services team at The Northern School of Art is committed to providing you with high quality advice and guidance. Our knowledgeable, experienced and friendly staff are here to help you maximise your overall student experience.
Below you will find a summary of the services we provide and frequently asked questions. If you can't find an answer to your question, we have links to a range of external agencies who will be happy to provide you with the information you need!
If you feel like you need any further information please call in to see us. You will find us located in the office behind reception in the Student Hub in Church Square. We are also contactable via email, teams and phone.
Our main areas of expertise include accommodation, counselling, disability support, finance and funding including the Disabled Student’s Allowance, health and welfare, pastoral support and safeguarding.
01429 858410 or 01642 856122
E-mail or
Opening Times
Monday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Tuesday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Wednesday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Thursday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday: 8.30am – 4:30pm
- Through our experience of providing advice and guidance, we know that the student funding system can sometimes be difficult to navigate - especially if this is all new to you. Our friendly staff would be happy to talk to you about any questions or issues that you have. We can also provide advice and guidance about other sources of funding that may be open to you while you are studying. For more information visit our Fees & Financial Support page or read our Money Matters guide.
- Whether you are looking to live in Halls of Residence or a shared house, we have something to suit everyone. To find out more about what The Northern School of Art can offer, contact Student Services and speak to our Accommodation Adviser or access the accommodation area of our website HERE
- If you experience a disability, mental health condition, specific learning difference or long-term health condition which impacts on your study, it is important that you have the support you need. Support in Higher Education works differently to schools or colleges and we would be happy to talk through your options with you. You can also find useful links and documents below. Please note: It is a student’s responsibility to ensure they have made all necessary support arrangements and applied for associated funding prior to the start of their course. DISABLED STUDENTS ALLOWANCE > DISABLED STUDENTS ALLOWANCES – STUDENT FINANCE > UCAS INFORMATION – DISABLED STUDENTS >
- Student Services offers all of our students access to our free on-site counselling service. You can access this service at any time, whether you have seen a counsellor before or not. The service is entirely confidential. If our counsellor feels that they are unable to support you or they feel you would benefit from a different type of service, they will discuss this with you, and will support you in seeking the support that is appropriate for you.
- Starting a Higher Education course can often mean a big change in any student’s life, from moving away from home and managing your money, to registering with a GP or dentist and much more besides. You will be pleased to hear, however, that the Student Services Team is here to help. Whenever you have a question or concern, you just need to call in to see us and let us know. We can then provide the advice and guidance you need or help you to contact an appropriate external agency.
- The Northern School of Art's Student Union is an exciting and vibrant new development within the College. Our mission is to advance and enhance the student experience by offering a range of exciting activities, fun social events, interesting clubs and societies, as well as representing your views to the wider college through our elected officers. Getting involved with the Student Union by volunteering or running for office, is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and to add vital experience to your CV.
- We work hard to ensure that the services, advice and guidance we provide is of the highest quality. To support this, all Student Services staff are members of relevant associations and regulatory bodies, and hold or are working towards relevant nationally recognised qualifications. So that we can continue to ensure you have a positive experience, we encourage all service users to provide us with feedback, so that we can ensure that we are meeting your needs. If you would like to provide us with feedback, you can either complete a feedback card available in Student Services, contact us by telephone or e-mail, or make an appointment with the Student Services Manager.
Teresa Latcham
Student Services ManagerMichelle Peart
Student AdviserErin Thorpe
Student Services AdvisorCatherine Wilkinson
Student AdviserJanette McCluskey
CounsellorAlex Elstob