Generation Do
In a world where our Facebook likes tend to dictate our self worth, our iPhones are an extension of our hands and hover boards are now a ‘thing’; it’s fair to say Gen Y has taken its fair share of flack. Generations who have gone before us are baffled by our twittering and twerking and just don’t understand that you can’t zoom in on Instagram.
Advanced technology has nearly always been a part of our lives and teens and 20 somethings are using this to their advantage. Self made, bedroom millionaires are an ever growing minority; online shops, bloggers, youtubers, app creators are all contributing to the dot com boom.
But it’s not just online, we’re doing it IRL (in real life) too! More than ever, young people are opening up shops/ bakeries/ tea shops/ companies/ magazines/ zines and it doesn’t look like we’re stopping yet! Gone are the times where youngsters are expected to make the tea or work under big corporations; we are taking the bull by the horns and starting our own thing just like they did it in the 80s/90s.
As a young entrepreneur myself I’d love to share with you my tips and rules I follow which have helped me build up my baby business!
- Have faith and run with your ideas
You need to believe in yourself first and foremost. If you’re going to make this work you are going to have to be your biggest cheerleader before others see the potential. If you have a glimmer of a good idea that you’re passionate about, take the time to develop it and don’t lose hope when it doesn’t instantly take off. Rome wasn’t built in a day and your own empire needs time too!
- Surround yourself with people who support you
Most aren’t going to be over the moon with you wanting to go self employed, as it’s one of the riskiest paths to take financially. Those people who guide you throughout and believe in you are diamonds. It’s usually mum, dad or close family; for me both my parents are self employed, as is my big brother, so it’s most definitely ‘in my blood’. Friends are amazing support too, so try to block out any negativity or people who try to put you off having a go. If it doesn’t work out, you’ve always given it your best shot!
- Be prepared to work work work and work again
You know it’s tough, but it’s going to be even tougher than that and there will be times when you see your friends who are stress-free from their jobs where they get a set wage every month and you think should you just pack it in. But remember why you started and your aim goal. Work as much as you can and your efforts will pay off. No one is going to have as much passion or do the work for you.
- Social media mania
Spread the word as soon as you can! I didn’t start a business Facebook page for Sunday Girl for almost 4 months which I see as a bit of a set back and I wish I’d jumped on the wagon sooner. When you see people jump on board and are interested, it really spurs you on and opens your customer base to a whole new circle! Remember that Facebook likes aren’t sales so your work doesn’t stop when your a hit online, but it certainly helps!
- Believe in your gut instinct
Asking other people on crucial decisions is helpful but at the end of the day you will know what’s best. Believe in your decision and see it through, if you don’t feel something is right after you’ve tried – change it. That’s the beauty of working for yourself.
Thank you for reading this post! I really hope you take something from this!
As always if you would like any advice or just to chat you can reach me on and for more for me you can head to the Sunday Girl website
or grab a copy of Sunday Girl magazine.