The Northern School of Art welcomes the Photo North Festival Roadshow to campus!
We were thrilled to welcome photojournalist Peter Dench to campus with the Photo North Festival Roadshow. As one of only 10 universities selected to take part in the event across the country, our students had the unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the world of photography and creative industries.
The roadshow, which is sponsored by MPB and CEWE, was led by Peter Dench, an award-winning photojournalist, author and educator with over 25 years of industry experience, and Sharon Price, a producer, gallery director, and curator. Together, they founded Photo North Festival and have successfully curated over 100 exhibitions and events. The roadshows are designed to be inspiring, offering a behind-the-scenes look into photography, the art of curating exhibitions and festivals, managing galleries, and building connections with design and advertising agencies.
The sessions focus on how students can promote their work through competitions and showcase their talent at Photo North Festival, provide free career advice and networking opportunities with industry experts, including the Channel 4 Senior Pictures Team.
Speaking of the event student Yasmine Carey said, “Overall, I really appreciated and enjoyed the time the Photo North Roadshow spent with us, from entering the room until leaving I felt fully engaged with everything they had to offer and talk about. Firstly, when I first entered the room, it was clear that the company had put lots of time and care into this visit, with information set up on stands at the front and leaflets on each chair.”
Reflecting on the talk with Peter Dench she commented; “in the talk Peter Dench spoke very clearly and in detail about his own work and the Photo North Festival. I felt as though I was influenced a lot by what Peter had to say about his early work as I have previously studied similar topics to his with a similar attitude and approach. I have recently started to feel a passion for documentary photography as I love to travel and connect with people. One day I would love to travel across the planet and document real life experiences. My biggest takeaway from the roadshow is that it’s important to find your own story, and that time is always changing so photograph what is happening today it may not be present in the future.”
She continued, “Peter Dench has made a strong impression and inspired me to pursue my dream career of a documentary photographer. He was also very friendly and enthusiastic about helping us and I feel comfortable reaching out to him to pick his brains on any further questions I have about his work or the festival.”
Yasmine also felt encouraged to attend the Photo North Festival saying, “Furthermore, I would like to attend the Photo North Festival, it would be a great experience in terms of networking, connecting and just enjoying artwork. I think the competition gives great opportunities for students as it gives them a chance to submit work to professionals in the industry (who aren’t our lecturers) and amazing opportunities if you are lucky enough to win! It will be opportunity to showcase my work even if nothing comes out of it.”
Speaking of her studies Yasmine commented, “I love photography and am enjoying learning more about the subject, so far as a first year BA Student I have learnt so much about my own practice and the future that I could have after my studies.”
Speaking of working with our students, the creators of Photo North Festival Roadshow said that; “it was a privilege to visit and work with Northern School of Art Students who were committed, open minded, engaged and above all, had a passion for being creative.”
If you are interested in studying photography at degree-level we offer a dynamic and well established degree programme, find out more about course details and how to apply here.